




The Nantes School of Fine Arts has a strong international policy and particularly encourages student mobility, whether incoming or outgoing.
To come and study in our establishment for a semester or an academic year is to come and study contemporary art in a dynamic cultural territory. It also means benefiting from the 4300 m² of workshops in a modern building, divided into three main areas:
- Construction (metal, wood, ceramics and glass)
- Image and multimedia (photography, sound, video and multimedia)
- Print (engraving, lithography, offset and serigraphy).
The Beaux-Arts are developing a pedagogy based on the transversality of learning. In addition, all international exchange students can benefit from linguistic support and a sponsor to help them adapt to their new life at school and in Nantes.


Photos Marc Dieulangard


Exchange programs

The school has a rich policy of international relations, particularly in Europe thanks to the Erasmus+ program and bilateral agreements signed with excellent art schools and universities. This framework offers opportunities for semester to year-long mobility for Nantes' fine arts students.

Study stay in a European art school (ERASMUS +)

Stays in the European Union are carried out within the framework of the ERASMUS program.
Find out more:
 + More information on Erasmus grants on the Student Traveller website
This program provides special support for students with disabilities.
Erasmus+ grants can be awarded to students who wish to apply for a study mobility and/or an internship mobility abroad.

Studying outside the European Union


For stays outside the European Union, students can apply to several
exchange programs:
The B.C.I (Bureau de Coopération Interuniversitaire) allows you to study in Quebec at one of the 11 member institutions of the program:
The cooperation/bilateral agreements allow you to carry out a mobility to partner institutions.


Institutions partenaires





Bruxelles, Gand Luca School of Art 


Rio de Janeiro - Belas Artes (UFRJ)
Salvador Bahia - Universidade Federal da Bahia

Canada – Province of Québec

Montréal, Rimouski, Abitibi-Témiscamingue Programme Québécois d'échanges étudiants BCI
Trois Rivières Université du Québec



south Korea




University Aalto - Department of Art & Media

United Kingdom








Tétouan INBA Institut national des beaux-arts







University West Timisoara – Fine Arts (painting, graphics, sculpture)



Tokyo University of the Arts
Tokyo University of the Arts - Japan - Toshihiro Gamo
Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Belas Artes - Portugal
Universidade do Porto - Faculdade de Belas Artes - Portugal - FBAUP
laval fabrique
Concordia University – Montréal - Canada
Muthesius Kunsthochschule - Kiel
Muthesius Kunsthochschule - Kiel - Allemagne
College of Art - Kanasawa - Japon
University of Art and Design - Helsinki - Finland - iStock
Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade - Lisboa
Facultad de Belles Artes de la Universidad de Sevilla - Espagne
Facultad de Belles Artes de la Universidad de Sevilla - Espagne
University of Houston - Texas - USA
University of Houston - Texas - USA
Accademia di belle arti di Napoli - Italie
Accademia di belle arti di Napoli - Italie
Central Academy of Fine Arts Pékin - Chine
Central Academy of Fine Arts Pékin - Chine

Coming on an exchange mobility


International Office

T. : +33 2 55 58 65 14 

Programs: ERASMUS +, B.C.I, O.F.A.J...

More information on exchange schemes


Please send us your complete application by email, including the following documents :

Academic year

1st semester: From mid-September  to mid-January
2nd semester: From mid-January  to mid-May

Application deadlines

Deadline for student nominations:
- For the first semester or the entire academic year: April 20
- For the second semester: October 1st
Deadline for student applications:
- For the first semester (Fall): May 1
- For the second semester (spring): October 15
Results will be communicated to you two weeks after the application deadlines.

Language level

It is recommended that non-French speaking students have a minimum knowledge of French (A2). If possible, please send us any exams proving your level.

French courses will be offered to students who wish to take them.

General information

- Exchange students have the same student status as those enrolled at the Nantes Saint-Nazaire School of Fine Arts
- No registration fee will be charged to exchange students, except for the purchase of the 5€ entrance badge.
- Registration for French Social Security:
- Classes are held entirely in French, except for English and Korean classes.


The license 2

Course L2

The master 1

Course M1

Scoring grid


The L1, L3 and M2 years are reserved exclusively for students registered at the school.


atelier photo
atelier volume

Projections internationales

The international campuses are platforms for debate, research and production that engage students, artists and researchers in multi-faceted exchanges. They offer master's students selected on the basis of a project the opportunity to spend a month on one of our three international campuses.

Plunged into a dynamic context of research and production, both local and international, developed by the school's faculty with their international partners, students encounter other realities, other ways of doing, thinking, and producing, which force them to leave their comfort zone, to invent new forms and practices. Confronted with approaches from art history, philosophy and critical theory, postcolonial and decolonial studies, activist and radical pedagogies, cultural studies, urban studies, gender issues, image theory, and film history, they participate in institutional projects (biennials, exhibitions) and artists' projects (production, performances), workshops, conferences, and tours.

Research and production are carried out by artists and researchers during residencies, involving the production of pedagogical devices or artistic events. The studios are intended for master's students (transdisciplinary and experimental teaching methods).


Borrowing the tools of the ethnographer, the geographer, the historian, the architect, the designer, the strategist or the philosopher, the objective of these campuses is to create aesthetic, speculative and prospective zones, contributing to renew our perceptions, our conceptions, our ways of doing and engaging, in order to participate in the invention of a new reality.


Turned towards great contemporary stakes, cultural and economic globalization, game of the borders, impact of the digital technologies, rise of the identity politics, refoundation of the knowledge, and epistemological rupture initiated by the criticisms of the narratives of the modernity, they have for vocation the production of the forms of tomorrow.





Desert Unit for Speculative Territories

Fieldwork Marfa is an international residency and research program dedicated to art in public space, landscape and the question of borders. This "in situ" laboratory has welcomed in 4 years more than 35 emerging artists and researchers of 10 nationalities from Europe and America, and more than 50 students and teachers from Nantes and Geneva. This program is developed by the Nantes School of Fine Arts in partnership with the Geneva University of Art and Design (HEAD).

+ more info



Presences of the Future

This program apprehends the city of Dakar and its suburbs as a specific context closely linked to international phenomena (globalization, migrations, urbanization, digitalization, planetary condition of the African question, existence of multiple dynamics in progress on the continent) helping to read the world, to decipher our time, to apprehend the great contemporary stakes and challenges, to draw new perspectives.

+ more info



Where we are - one landscape after another

K'Arts University provides Nantes students with a working platform to carry out projects in collaboration with the teaching teams and to confront the context of the world-city that is Seoul.

These stays will be the occasion to implement pedagogical and production devices that will be inventive, and that will be the object, at the end of each stay, of restitutions in the form of exhibitions and meetings. The investigations and plastic interpretations of the context by the students will also be the subject of debates between the actors of the presented projects and the visitors.

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