To come and study in our establishment for a semester or an academic year is to come and study contemporary art in a dynamic cultural territory. It also means benefiting from the 4300 m² of workshops in a modern building, divided into three main areas:
- Construction (metal, wood, ceramics and glass)
- Image and multimedia (photography, sound, video and multimedia)
- Print (engraving, lithography, offset and serigraphy).
The Beaux-Arts are developing a pedagogy based on the transversality of learning. In addition, all international exchange students can benefit from linguistic support and a sponsor to help them adapt to their new life at school and in Nantes.
Exchange programs
Study stay in a European art school (ERASMUS +)
Studying outside the European Union
exchange programs:
The cooperation/bilateral agreements allow you to carry out a mobility to partner institutions.
Institutions partenaires

Coming on an exchange mobility
Programs: ERASMUS +, B.C.I, O.F.A.J...
Please send us your complete application by email, including the following documents :
Academic year
Application deadlines
- For the first semester or the entire academic year: April 20
- For the second semester (spring): October 15
Language level
It is recommended that non-French speaking students have a minimum knowledge of French (A2). If possible, please send us any exams proving your level.
French courses will be offered to students who wish to take them.
General information
Course L2
Course M1
Scoring grid

Projections internationales
Les Campus

Un espace-atelier à ciel ouvert pour des projets artistiques à l’échelle 1
Photo Charles Stankievech

Production École supérieure d’art de Clermont Métropole

Desert Unit for Speculative Territories
Fieldwork Marfa is an international residency and research program dedicated to art in public space, landscape and the question of borders. This "in situ" laboratory has welcomed in 4 years more than 35 emerging artists and researchers of 10 nationalities from Europe and America, and more than 50 students and teachers from Nantes and Geneva. This program is developed by the Nantes School of Fine Arts in partnership with the Geneva University of Art and Design (HEAD).

Presences of the Future
This program apprehends the city of Dakar and its suburbs as a specific context closely linked to international phenomena (globalization, migrations, urbanization, digitalization, planetary condition of the African question, existence of multiple dynamics in progress on the continent) helping to read the world, to decipher our time, to apprehend the great contemporary stakes and challenges, to draw new perspectives.