The library of the Nantes Saint-Nazaire School of Fine Arts offers a very rich documentation on art, constituting the main collection of modern and contemporary art in the region. Most of the major French and international art magazines complete this indispensable tool for the constitution of artistic references for students, teachers and art lovers.
The library is open to the public from Monday to Friday (9h30-13h and 14h-18h).
A book return box is available outside the building, near the Askip café.
For any information request, please contact

practical information
Phone : (+33) 02 55 58 64 90
Email :
2 allée Frida-Kahlo - Île de Nantes - FRANCE
1st Floor
Les nouveautés
The library presents its selection of new items each month

En pratique

the library's collection

Our services
Conditions de prêt

Consultation on site is free for all. To borrow, registration for a period of one year, upon presentation of an ID and proof of reduction.
Free: students, alumni, students of the public courses of the Nantes School of Fine Arts, art and culture professionals (professional card), artists (MDA or AGESSA), all teachers (professional card), students of the following institutions: University of Nantes, ENSAN, Ciné créatis, ESMA, Audencia, Atelier Chardon Savard.
Reduced rates: 25 €* for students from institutions not covered by the agreement and 38 €* for Nantes residents with Carte blanche and members of the Bibliothèque municipale de Nantes
Full price: 50 €*
* Cheques, credit cards and cash on site.
Download the library registration form
Accès et horaires

Site de Saint-Nazaire